Welcome to the Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin, Holy Island
"A warm welcome to the church of St Mary's, Holy Island. Our church is open daily to welcome visitors. Come and explore our history, reflect on our Christian story and faith and take a moment to enjoy the stillness and tranquillity of this sacred place."

St Mary's Opening and Services Times
We are open daily for private prayer
On Sundays:
8am - BCP Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month.
10.45am - Parish Eucharist weekly.
5pm - Evening Prayer
Monday to Friday:
8am - Morning Prayer (Holy Communion on Thursdays)
5pm - Evening Prayer
Please see church noticeboard for any changes.
St Martin's Voices performing St Aidan's Prayer

Harvest Festival

The Coat of Hopes

Made, worn, and walked by many hundreds of people during and since the pilgrimage on which it was created - from the south coast of England to the gates of COP 26, and to the UN climate summit 2021, in Glasgow. The Coat is now on its return journey to its starting place.
The Coat is made up of pieces of blanket into which people along the way have worked their griefs, remembrances, prayers and hopes for the place they call home.
It walks ever calling those who encounter it, or who share it, into the present. Supported by its warmth (love) - to bear its weight (responsibility) so that each might “wear the promise that we all belong together” as we seek to respond with our whole self to the climate and ecological emergency.
Please join us on 4th & 18th of October sharing story, making space for questions, and conversation about how we might respond to these times of concern, with an opportunity to wear the Coat.
All are warmly invited to walk with the Coat of Hopes on its ongoing journey. To find out more, visit
St Aidans Celebration 27th August in the Priory
Easter Celebrations 2023